Hi Everyone,
I hope you’re all having a great and relaxing summer!
The Alchemist Review is holding a flash fiction and poetry contest.
Rules of the contest are that the piece must include:
- a character confronting his/her worst fear
- something to do with summer
- 500-700 words (a poem can be smaller)
Submit your piece to alchemistreview@gmail.com by 11:59pm on August 16, 2013
The winning story will be posted here on our website http://www.thealchemistreview.com
For added inspiration we have uploaded Pete Heacock’s vine “Vacation”
Vacation. vine.co/v/h7B1avXPaAE—
Pete Heacock (@PeteHeacock) July 07, 2013
Can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with!
The Alchemist Review