Letter from the Editor

Dear Reader,

The Alchemist Review is the literary journal for the University of Illinois at Springfield. The first issue of The Alchemist Review was released in the Spring of 1977. It is a journal produced by students, for students. Through it’s 30 year run, The Alchemist Review has helped foster a more creatively minded community, it has helped the literary community of UIS and of Springfield grow, it has also given a better chance for students and young writers at our university to be heard. It has been, for many writers, myself included, their first introduction into the world of publishing. Many people say that with the rise of the internet and other digital media, that the world of printing and publishing is dead. We disagree. 30 years of The Alchemist Review is just too long to simply eschew. It is with great pleasure to present all thirty years of The Alchemist Review online and give this little Midwestern gem the recognition it deserves for enduring, and hopefully continuing for many years to come. Click here to access past issues.

Thanks for reading.

All the Best,
Erich O’Connor
Managing Editor
The Alchemist Review

One thought on “Letter from the Editor”

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