National Novel Writing Month

Hi y’all!

November is National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWri, and to celebrate, Vika and I will be posting everyday this month to talk about writing and to share some of the things we have written. Today, since it is day one, I’ll talk about the writing challenge and give you information about where to sign up!

NaNoWri was started in 2000 by Chris Baty. Originally, it was only about 20 people and last year there were over 40,000 participants. To officially participate, you have to make a pledge to write a 50,000 word novel in only thirty days! That averages to about 1,667 words a day. To put it into perspective, that is about 7 pages due every night at 11:59pm! Once you have completed your draft, you send it in and you will win a certificate and variety of other goodies.

This is great for several reasons. The first, it gets you writing everyday. I don’t know about you, but scheduling in writing time can be really difficult. Between school, work, and a social life (ha), taking time to practice my craft seems impossible. By pledging, you are making a huge commitment and forcing yourself to write. Even if the narrative is not your best work, it is a jumping off point. By joining up, you as a writer are participating in the literary community, how cool is that?

For any questions, here is the link to the NaNoWri website:

Stay posted for more writers talk!



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The literary journal of the University of Illinois at Springfield.

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